10/17/2023 The 1st Hong Kong Liberty Art Prize

It was an honor to be invited to be part of the judging panel for the this meaningful art prize, gathering Hong Kong art forces from around the world to advocate resistance towards authoritarian government and promote freedom and liberty.

10/14/2023 RTi



Attended a protest in Taipei against the October 1st CCP National celebration. I dressed up like a Spartan and punched through wooden planks symbolizing authoritarian rouge regime such as the Chinese Communist Party such be crushed.

July/4/2023 fluter

“We have lost this freedom”

In Hong Kong, people took to the streets in 2014, 2019 and 2020 for more democracy. How are you today?

July/2/2023 追新聞

國安法3年|港人在台揭司法不公 藝術家轟「風月新香港」

July/1/2023 RTi



July/1/2023 信傳媒

港版國安法三周年》紅色恐怖在香港 港人:中共對港台的野心重來沒變、提重啟服貿是愚蠢的

June/12/2023 rfa


June/5/2023 看中國


June/5/2023 追新聞

六四34・直擊・台北| 2500人風雨點燭光默哀64秒 曾志豪斥港警拉人荒謬:「無論雨怎麼打,自由仍係會開花」

June/5/2023 Taiwan Plus

Remembering Tiananmen

June/4/2023 光傳媒

台北2000人冒雨悼六四 80歲港人特意赴台:毋忘六四是共同價值

May/25/2023 yle News

In Hong Kong, you can even end up in prison for playing the theme music of the democracy movement - activist Kacey Wong tells what his job is like

May/23/2023 DN

Kacey Wong: "Hong Kong has become a lawless dark place"

April/17/2023 BBC香港示威:台海兩岸關係趨緊,流亡台灣港人面臨新的恐懼

April/7/2023 Diplomatic Courier

For Global Policymakers, A Crucial Moment in Defense of Free Expression

Feb/26/2023 立報傳媒

毋通袂記二二八!自由路上藝術節 從多元視角辨識威權統治

Jan/27/2023 The Journalist


Dec/10/2022 RTi 中央廣播電台


Dec/8/2022 今周刊


Dec/5/2022 PTS 台灣公共電視台


Performed Hong Kong Anthem - Glory to Hong Kong in this local Taiwanese language based TV Station.

Dec/5/2022 Watchout 沃草


Nov/25/2022 RTi 香港仔ON AIR—埋嚟啦喂


Nov/23/2022 Ars Cronica

'Democracy will not be here forever', warns Hong Kong dissident artist ahead of Taiwan local polls

Nov/23/2022 NCCU News

「記憶導航」回顧港台歷史 藝術展呼應人權議題

Nov/21/2022 希望之聲粵語TV

Did a walk through of my new exhibition Peace, Valiant, Light, & Time at the National Human Rights Museum.

Nov/21/2022 HKers Overseas

Interviewed and shared some of my view of how to launch culture counter attack as a Hongkonger living overseas.

Nov/19/2022 RTi 瓶中稿

Interviewed by rock legend Lenny Kwok in Taiwan’s Radio Taiwan International and performed Glory to Hong Kong & We’ll Meet Again.

Nov/19/2022 大紀元時報

流亡台灣 黃國才獲邀設展 港人抗爭藝術遍地開花

Nov/18/2022 RFA

台國家人權博物館首次開放監倉 港流亡藝術家黃國才獲邀設展

Nov/18/2022 臺客新頭殼

從雨傘運動到反送中 - 香港藝術家黃國才的抗爭與創作

Nov/13/2022 華視

港失表達自由決移台 黃國才:死也要在自由之地

Nov/13/2022 CNA

台灣政治犯監獄遺址辦香港抗爭藝術展 延續和勇精神

Nov/7/2022 信濃每日新聞

Invited by this Japanese media to share my experience of having to leave Hong Kong as an artist in exile.

Nov/4/2022 上報

香港與台灣 流轉的「雙城記」

Nov/2/2022 HiNet

Human Rights Art Festival Hung Hung as Curator Concerning Hong Kong Issue

Oct/25/2022 好時光啪啪啪

【人權藝術啪】345 幽默,一把溫柔的刀~黃國才 (香港抗爭藝術家)~《和勇光時:黃國才抗爭藝術展》~記憶導航02

Oct/5/2022 The Chaser

250 Hongkonger in Taiwan farewell Lee Yee President Tsai sent flowers


Taiwan becomes growing destination for Hong Kong residents looking for more freedom

Some exiles say they are concerned about China's military flexing.

Aug/5/2022 China and Taiwan: missile tests and sanctions

Appeared in Germany’s ZDF to discuss about the recent missile crisis Taiwan is facing from CCP & its implication to the world.

Aug/5/2022 The King of Kowloon

Long time Hong Kong journalist Louisa Lim produced this amazing podcast about King of Kowloon, my old and new voice appeared in it, great listening.

July/12/2022 rfa

刘晓波逝世五周年 中国离宪政有多远?

July/7/2022 典藏 ARTouch



July/7/2022 典藏 ARTouch


July/1/2022 ZDF

25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China

June/22/2022 Nikkei Asia

Hong Kong's identity in crisis after 25 years of Beijing rule

June/24/2-22 公視新聞

港人出逃尋自由 藝術家黃國才在台辦展分享理念

June/7/2022 希望之聲

【辛恬面對面】自由的代價和秘訣: 香港人在台灣紀念“六四”

June/5/2022 CNA

台灣六四晚會港味濃 悼天安門亡魂和曾經的香港

June/5/2022 希望之聲TV


June/4/2022 The Washington Post

Tiananmen vigils gain prominence in Taiwan as Chinese threat looms

June/4/2022 Voice of America

Taiwan Unveils Pillar of Shame Replica, Hosting Only Tiananmen Vigil in the Chinese-speaking World

June/4/2022 Fox News

Tiananmen Square: Taiwan vigil remembers victims of China massacre

June/4/2022 New York Times

Mourning Tiananmen’s Victims, and the Hong Kong That Was

6-4-2022 SOH News

33 Years after Tiananmen Massacre, How did the World Look Back

June/2/2022 Ming Pao Magazine

【六四33週年】藝術家收集維園蠟燭 悼念失去之悼念 「每一支都代表港人深切的愛」

June/2/2022 Firelight Chats

Stop, Think, Act

Did an in-depth interview while I was in Taipei about education and language, also shared some critical reflection of my self-exile experience from Hong Kong to Taiwan.

June/2/2022 Taipei Times

Attack of the Red Giants made it to the front page of Taipei Times.

June/2/2022 產經新聞


May/31/2022 Voice of America

台湾接棒香港高调纪念六四 “国殇之柱”将重现台北

5/18/2022 rfa

【創作自由】移英香港藝術家以藝術展探索中共全球「審查紅線」 尋找僅存創作空間

May/5/2022 Art Touch


May/1/2022 臺南藝志Tainan Art Zine


April/20/2022 Wen Wei Po

走佬黑暴窮到燶搞展覽炒賣「 獨」 品

The Chinese Communist Party fake newspaper central Wen Wei Po in Hong Kong did a full page review on my exhibition in UK, a great laugh to read.

April/15/2022 Whats News Media 和你報「流散.聚合 – 香港民族藝術展」即將開幕 不同形式藝術品建構共同目標與理念

April/1/2022 Mirror News 鏡新聞

黃國才:用行動藝術 保存香港人勇於對抗中共的光輝|全球聊天室

March/17/2022 《看中國》香港頻道

Personal guided tour to my Battlefield Apocalypse exhibition in Tainan.

Feb/23/2022 珍言真語 梁珍


Feb/2/2022 ZDF

"Interview with a Curtain"

How freely can one still report from China?

Jan/13/2022 Radio Free Asia

Interview: 'I didn't leave Hong Kong, Hong Kong left me.'

Jan/6/2022 Mirror Voice 鏡好聽

我們與世界的對話 ft. 閻鴻亞X黃國才

Dec/11/2021 BBC World Service

The Cultural Frontline

Hong Kong artists: Should I stay or should I go?

Nov/21/2021 Bloomberg CityLab

Hong Kong's New Museum Tries to Please Art World — and Beijing

Nov/19/2021 Ming Pao Mazainze

【M+與藝術家】離港移台尋100%藝術表達自由 黃國才:M+諸多制肘 搔不着癢處

Nov/18/2021 Art Touch

考察權力拉扯的肌理 :香港 M+ 視覺文化博物館開幕速記

Nov/11/2021 Business Live

China vets exhibits ahead of opening of M+ museum in Hong Kong

Nov/10/2021 大紀元時報



Nov/7/2023 大紀元時報


Oct/21/2021 Stand News

M+ 博物館開幕倒數 地下大堂展廳預展 逾 200 展品首曝光

Oct/21/2021 The Culturist 文化者

M+ 和諧首展「香港:此地彼方」 黃國才作品、《十年》閃現【先睹為快】

Oct/14/2021 Taipei Times

Artist Kacey Wong, attacking the red giant

Aug/24/2021 Stand News

徵集香港抗爭者 「不自殺聲明」 下月英國曼城展出

Sept/10 -19/2021

香港不自殺聲明 2019

Oct/9/2021 Photoslot TV

愛自由當代書藝聯展 Love for Freedom Calligraphy Art Festival 2021 Taipei

Sept/15/2021 VOA


Sept/7/2021 RTi 寶島風情

黃國才台灣工作室 為港台藝術挹注無限自由色彩

Aug/31/2021 Independent

‘Public spaces are no longer safe’: the Hong Kong artists fleeing to Taiwan to build new lives

Aug/29/2021 Photoslot TV

Kacey Wong now in self-imposed exile in Taichung reflects on Hong Kong & his future in Taiwan

Aug/23/2021 VoA

Thousands Leaving Hong Kong, Teachers Quit Amid Security Law and Pandemic

Aug/23/2021 VOA

香港異議藝術家黃國才國安法下出走台灣 逃避共產黨秋後算帳

Aug/21/2021 The Guardian

‘Law and order collapsed’: Hong Kong artist Kacey Wong on finding freedom in Taiwan

Aug/16/2021 Taipei Times

FEATURE: Hong Kong artist in ‘self-exile’ in Taichung

Aug/14/2021 Hong Kong Free Press

‘We’ll meet again’: Why a Hong Kong artist Kacey Wong chose ‘self-exile’ in Taiwan

Aug/13/2021 Apple Daily TW

香港藝術家黃國才冀100%自由「流亡」台灣 憶登機湧移民官大隊盯場驚心動魄

Aug/13/2021 AFP

Why a Hong Kong artist chose 'self-exile' in Taiwan

Aug/13/2021 中央通訊社

香港異議藝術家黃國才遷居台灣 嘆故土自由不再

Aug/6/2021 The Sunday Times

Artist Kacey Wong has fled Hong Kong for Taiwan

Aug/7/2021 Epoch Times


Aug/3/2021 Radio Taiwan International 中央廣播電台

在不會自我審查的地方繼續創作! 藝術家黃國才離港來台

Aug/3/2021 RFA 自由亞洲電台

【移民潮】資深傳媒人Steve Vines 、藝術家黃國才離港

Aug/3/2021 立場新聞作品屢回應時事 藝術家黃國才離港赴台 「在不會自我審查的地方繼續創作」

Aug/3/2021 立場新聞

作品屢回應時事 藝術家黃國才離港赴台 「在不會自我審查的地方繼續創作」

Aug/3/2021 HKFP

‘I demand 100% freedom’: Hong Kong political artist Kacey Wong leaves for Taiwan citing crackdown

Aug/3/2021 The Epoch Times 大紀元

本土藝術家黃國才宣佈已離港:遠走不易 留下亦難

Aug/3/2021 自由時報


7/21/2021 歪腦


June/9/2021 Stand News

【香港人權藝術獎】本地藝術家難民錄像奪冠 因應《國安法》首邀律師陪同策展

June/5/2021 Apple Daily

黃店關燈 以行動抗遺忘

June/4/2021 China Underground

Interview With Kacey Wong: The Protest Art In Hong Kong

June/4/2021 Apple Daily


June/3/2021 Bangkok Post

Hong Kongers get creative as authorities ban Tiananmen vigil

June/3/2021 France Medias Monde香港藝術家拿出 “歷史蠟燭”悼念“不能悼念的六四“

June/3/2021 France Medias Monde

香港藝術家拿出 “歷史蠟燭”悼念“不能悼念的六四“

June/2/2021 HK01


June/2/2021 Apple Daily

六四32︱Chickeeduck 2分店一連3日派蠟燭 鼓勵市民以自己方式悼念

June/1/2021 Apple Daily

另類私人悼念 預習香港內地化

May/27/2021 Stand News

人權藝術獎入圍名單公布 涵蓋香港時局、難民危機等議題

May/ 24/2021 CNNHong Kong is “the most dangerous place” for artists

May/ 24/2021 CNN

Hong Kong is “the most dangerous place” for artists

May/20/2021 Standnews香港藝術家撐周小龍 荃灣Chickeeduck寄賣作品 收益五五分帳

May/20/2021 Standnews

香港藝術家撐周小龍 荃灣Chickeeduck寄賣作品 收益五五分帳

May/13/2021 菇武門 Ep. 74


April/20/2021 大學線 U-Beat藝發局受抨擊 藝術還容得下政治色彩嗎?

April/20/2021 大學線 U-Beat藝發局受抨擊 藝術還容得下政治色彩嗎?

April/7/2021 Broadcast News Network須完善文化制度建設 藝術家憂作品被雪藏

April/7/2021 Broadcast News Network

須完善文化制度建設 藝術家憂作品被雪藏

March/28/2021 Apple Daily

明批M+ - 左丁山

March/18/2021 Apple Daily

藝術中心停播《理大圍城》 被左報批鬥資助「黃電影」藝發局即跪低

March/18/2021 HKFPHong Kong’s Lam vows ‘full alert’ against artworks endangering national security, as artist warns of ‘devastating’ crackdown

March/18/2021 HKFP

Hong Kong’s Lam vows ‘full alert’ against artworks endangering national security, as artist warns of ‘devastating’ crackdown

Dec/4/2020 Ming Pao酒店為家 苦瓜為燈 家是戰場 還是安心之所?

Dec/4/2020 Ming Pao

酒店為家 苦瓜為燈 家是戰場 還是安心之所?

Nov/21/2020 Master Insight 灼見名家

黃國才挑動「離留之間」思考 Kacey Wong Provokes Thinking on “Leaving or Staying”

Nov/20/2020 Hong Kong Tatler

Design Trust Follows Up "Critically Homemade" Initiative With Winter Showcase

Nov/19/2020 Stand News

「香港文聯」成立惹藝文界憂慮 馬逢國任首屆會長 學者:製造聲勢俾阿爺睇

Nov/17/2020 Ming Pao藝遊銅鑼灣舊樓 修復隔離孤獨感

Nov/17/2020 Ming Pao

藝遊銅鑼灣舊樓 修復隔離孤獨感

Nov/2/2020 Stand News香港文學季展覽談去留 黃國才、董啟章講述黑道故事

Nov/2/2020 Stand News

香港文學季展覽談去留 黃國才、董啟章講述黑道故事

Oct/29/2020 立場新聞

觀「海洋的印記」展覽 救救中華白海豚前我們先變成魚人

My dolphin sculpture was being shown by the WWF, I am quite angry that they changed the title of my artwork from “Silent Protest” to “Can You Hear Us”, so pathetic & unethical.

Oct/ 26/2020 The Hong Kong DiariesMy live in Hong Kong was recently being featured in this meanly documentary. The Hong Kong Diaries - What Losing Freedom Feels Like.

Oct/ 26/2020 The Hong Kong Diaries

My live in Hong Kong was recently being featured in this meanly documentary. The Hong Kong Diaries - What Losing Freedom Feels Like.

Oct/12/2020 Master Insight 灼見名家

黃國才在disCONNECT展示「隔離者」項目 Kacey Wong Showcases Quarantine Project at disCONNECT

Sept/15/2020 RFA


Sept/11/2020 Art Discovery Channel

發問 追問 黃國才 Kacey Wong

Sept/3/2020 HKFP

Sept/3/2020 HKFP

Sept/1/2020 Stand NewsArtist made hand grenade, resistance clothing sets, Winnie the Pooh for the Hungry Ghost Festival

Sept/1/2020 Stand News

Artist made hand grenade, resistance clothing sets, Winnie the Pooh for the Hungry Ghost Festival

Aug/2/2020  美術手帖How does the art world of Hong Kong react to the “National Security Law” ? “The resistance of art will not disappear due to fear.”

Aug/2/2020 美術手帖

How does the art world of Hong Kong react to the “National Security Law” ?

“The resistance of art will not disappear due to fear.”

July/10/2020 Stand News

【港區國安法】Art Basel 亞洲總監稱情況「複雜」 對藝術界影響「言之尚早」

July/9/2020 The Art Newspaper podcastHong Kong: has the new law "destroyed" the art scene?

July/9/2020 The Art Newspaper podcast

Hong Kong: has the new law "destroyed" the art scene?

July/2/2020 VOAHundreds Arrested as New Security Law Comes into Effect in Hong Kong

July/2/2020 VOA

Hundreds Arrested as New Security Law Comes into Effect in Hong Kong

July/1/2020 ZDFHong Kong : New Security Law

July/1/2020 ZDF

Hong Kong : New Security Law

June/30/2020 蘋果日報

【藝術人語】國安法下不敢忘記 一個人的六四

June/26/2020 C&G快活對話跑馬地之人與事

June/26/2020 C&G


6 26 2020 明報傘運紀錄片刪籠內奏國歌片段 藝術家稱理解 嘆國歌法國安法將扼殺文化

June/26/2020 Ming Pao 明報

傘運紀錄片刪籠內奏國歌片段 藝術家稱理解 嘆國歌法國安法將扼殺文化

June/25/2020 AFPDocumentary on Hong Kong protests deletes scene after anthem law

June/25/2020 AFP

Documentary on Hong Kong protests deletes scene after anthem law

June/26/2020 HKFPExclusive: Why Hong Kong political artist Kacey Wong is optimistic despite the looming threat of censorship

June/26/2020 HKFP

Exclusive: Why Hong Kong political artist Kacey Wong is optimistic despite the looming threat of censorship

June/23/2020 HKFPHKFP Live Interview: Hong Kong's top political artist Kacey Wong

June/23/2020 HKFP

HKFP Live Interview: Hong Kong's top political artist Kacey Wong

June/10/2020 ZDFHong Kong's struggle for freedom slows down

June/10/2020 ZDF

Hong Kong's struggle for freedom slows down

June/6/2020 眾新聞 CitizenNews藝術家黃國才 抗爭現場扮摩西、速龍、過氣黑幫大佬 諷刺現實多荒謬

June/6/2020 眾新聞 CitizenNews

藝術家黃國才 抗爭現場扮摩西、速龍、過氣黑幫大佬 諷刺現實多荒謬

June/3/2020 Apple Daily國安法下不敢忘記 一個人的六四

June/3/2020 Apple Daily

國安法下不敢忘記 一個人的六四

6/3/2020 CitizenNews【六四31周年】屬於香港人的民主女神夠貼地 「自由、民主、公義精神不變」

June/3/2020 CitizenNews

【六四31周年】屬於香港人的民主女神夠貼地 「自由、民主、公義精神不變」

May/29/2020 Stand News

「我哋重未____」展 香港民主女神像歸來 力抗極權打壓

May/28/2020 CNNFuture of political art in Hong Kong uncertain as Beijing tightens grip

May/28/2020 CNN

Future of political art in Hong Kong uncertain as Beijing tightens grip

May/26/2020 Art Touch


May/22/2020 Standnews《國安法》殺到 創作無得做? 香港藝術家:怯等於認同極權

May/22/2020 Standnews

《國安法》殺到 創作無得做? 香港藝術家:怯等於認同極權

5-21-2020 獨立媒體

香港民主女神像修復後今登大南街 負責人無懼打壓:「我哋越被壓迫,就越要發聲」

5 21 2020 Standnews烽煙裡的香港人權藝術獎 入圍作品多涉反送中 評審:要將恐懼化作動力

May/21/2020 Standnews

烽煙裡的香港人權藝術獎 入圍作品多涉反送中 評審:要將恐懼化作動力

April/21/2020 YUEN TUNG IP

Protest Art

Mar/15/2020 StandnewsPolice Power vs Freedom to Form Organisation

Mar/15/2020 Standnews

警權 vs 結社自由 王宗堯等藝文界斥警方阻攔社團申請 促改警隊主理社團註冊做法

Jan/15/2020 Devra's Art of Resistance BlogHong Kong's Art of Protest

Jan/15/2020 Devra's Art of Resistance Blog

Hong Kong's Art of Protest

Jan/4/2020 BBC


Dec/11/2019 ArteHong Kong, The Art of The Demonstration

Dec/11/2019 Arte

Hong Kong, The Art of The Demonstration

Dec/12/2019 BBCThe Powerful Images of Hong Kong’s Protests

Dec/12/2019 BBC

The Powerful Images of Hong Kong’s Protests

Dec/6/2019 FTHong Kong and the art of dissent

Dec/6/2019 FT

Hong Kong and the art of dissent

Nov/20/2019 Ubeat凝住剎那 抗爭藝術折射運動精神

Nov/20/2019 Ubeat

凝住剎那 抗爭藝術折射運動精神

Oct/21/2019 立場新聞香港藝術家黃國才獲邀 赴維也納 TED Talk 談香港抗爭 觀眾大讚港人勇敢有創意

Oct/21/2019 RFI

香港藝術家Kacey Wong談反送中“和勇不分”現象及發展趨勢

Sept/22/2019 Aboluowang 阿波羅新聞


Sept/20/2019 Art Touch


Sept/16/2019 HK Economic Journal 信報

【藝術】Kacey Wong 想香港光輝歲月 走上街頭

September/5/2019 TeleramaIn Hong Kong, popular rumor rhymes with protest art

Sept/5/2019 Telerama

In Hong Kong, popular rumor rhymes with protest art

Aug/31/2019 Apple Daily

This video featured Hong Kong artist Kacey Wong performing the biblical figure Moses during a pro-democracy rally in Hong Kong. He was holding the Five Commandments tablet which echo the demands of the Hong Kong people during the Anti-Extradition Law Movement in Hong Kong. This artwork was performed on 31st August, 2019 in Hong Kong.

Aug/27/2019 Stand News「似連儂牆不斷進化」 抗爭藝術展持續更新 歡迎自攜作品放入畫廊

August/26/2019 Apple DailyPepe the Frog是納粹符號?藝術家解構抗爭之蛙「香港是光復Pepe的基地!」

Aug/26/2019 Apple Daily

Pepe the Frog是納粹符號?藝術家解構抗爭之蛙「香港是光復Pepe的基地!」

Aug/20/2019 Arte

Hong Kong: Artist take to the street

Aug/3/2019 The Thing About

Art & Artists - Kacey Wong

July/19/2019 Art Emperor 非池中物

焦點新聞當代藝術美術館特展當代館新展 描繪台灣當代藝術圖景「少年當代—未終結的過去進行式」 跨越時空聚焦當代藝術誕生之初,回顧過去展望文化未來發展之勢

July/19/2019 Art Touch


July/18/2019 South China Morning Post

August/9/2019 CNNShared my analysis on poster art and its impact on recent Hong Kong protest.

Aug/9/2019 CNN

Shared my analysis on poster art and its impact on recent Hong Kong protest.

July/2019 Artist At Risk Connection

Kacey Wong, Hong Kong

Status: Threatened

July/7/2019 CNNDesigned as a symbol of unity, Hong Kong's flag becomes the focus of protest

July/7/2019 CNN

Designed as a symbol of unity, Hong Kong's flag becomes the focus of protest

July/2/2019 Master Insight 灼見名家

「不自由,毋寧死!」 藝術家黃國才黑旗遊行 ‘Live Free or Die’ – Artist Kacey Wong

June/4/2019 HK Free Press

June/4/2019 HK Free Press

June/3/2019 HK01[June 4th 30th Anniversary] Feather of the Yellow Bird passing Hope, Artist Kacey Wong: To denial June 4th is like Denying oneself

June/3/2019 HK01

[June 4th 30th Anniversary] Feather of the Yellow Bird passing Hope, Artist Kacey Wong: To denial June 4th is like Denying oneself

June/2019 On Curating

Kacey Wong: Art and Resistance

May/31/2019 Apple Daily

維園燭淚重生 化成黃雀之羽

May/28/2019 Apple Daily


May/24/2019 立場新聞

【睇圖觀展】碧波押中止營運 《說六四的重量》展覽未能如期舉行

May/9/2019 Stand News

逾千藝文工作者聯署施壓 憂造成白色恐怖 促馬逢國反《逃犯條例》修訂

April/29/2019 CNNHong Kong protesters hold biggest march in 5 years, political group says

April/29/2019 CNN

Hong Kong protesters hold biggest march in 5 years, political group says

April/28-2019 In Media 獨立媒體


April/27/2019 Apple DailyExtradition Bill amendment is like a one-way ticket, artist prepared batons to ’treat’ the protesters.

April/27/2019 Apple Daily

Extradition Bill amendment is like a one-way ticket, artist prepared batons to ’treat’ the protesters.

April/9/2019 Cobo Social

CoBo Perspectives: Art & Politics

April/3/2019 Taipei Times

Hong Kong battles Beijing as dreams for culture soar

March/29/2019 AFP

Art ambition: Hong Kong battles Beijing as dreams for culture soar

March/7/2019 U-Beat Magazine藝術家眼前 若隱若現的紅線

March/7/2019 U-Beat Magazine

藝術家眼前 若隱若現的紅線

Feb/3/2019 Hong Kong Free PressKacey Wong: Hong Kong’s ‘cultural fireman’ on finding the bright side in dark times

Feb/3/2019 Hong Kong Free Press

Kacey Wong: Hong Kong’s ‘cultural fireman’ on finding the bright side in dark times

Jan/14/2019 Stand News

藝文界發起「藝術自由約章」抗政治審查 捍衛創作自由

Jan/2019 Ruizhong MagazineKomfort auf kleinstem Raum in Hong Kong

Jan/2019 Ruizhong Magazine

Komfort auf kleinstem Raum in Hong Kong

Dec/21/2018 Stand News

【馬建事件】大館發信致歉 未交代決策經過緣由

Dec/21/2018 Apple Daily

【馬建事件】大館發信致歉 未交代決策經過緣由

Dec/8/2018 Stand News


Dec/7/2018 Apple Daily

【蘋果X立場】政治審查殺到嚟 香港藝文空間無得避?

Nov/27/2018 SCMPHong Kong artist reflect on growing “self-censorship” in local arts scene

Nov/27/2018 SCMP

Hong Kong artist reflect on growing “self-censorship” in local arts scene

Nov/22/2018 Menclub城市旅遊項目「設計#香港地」 以AR技術結合歷史

Nov/22/2018 Menclub

城市旅遊項目「設計#香港地」 以AR技術結合歷史

Nov/20/2018 ADO

「最」大展藝術家專訪---林嵐及KACEY WONG

Nov/19/2018 Apple Daily

佔中電影座談 邵家臻:行到呢度係祝福

Nov/18/2018 Stand News

藝文界發起「舉白牌」遊行 抗議大館政治審查促交代

Nov/18/2018 Apple Daily12 Artists holds signs protest against Tai Kwun’s censorship, urge Tai Kwun to clearify the Ma Jian censoring issue

Nov/18/2018 Apple Daily

12 Artists holds signs protest against Tai Kwun’s censorship, urge Tai Kwun to clearify the Ma Jian censoring issue

Nov/18/2018 HKFP_LiveA group of artists - including Kacey Wong - are holding a white placard "non-protest" performance in favour of free expression at art space 大館 Tai Kwun.

Nov/18/2018 HKFP_Live

A group of artists - including Kacey Wong - are holding a white placard "non-protest" performance in favour of free expression at art space 大館 Tai Kwun.

Nov/3/2018 StandnewsBadiucao art exhibition cancelled, Kacey Wong: China is slowly heading towards the Age of New Nazism.

Nov/3/2018 Standnews

Badiucao art exhibition cancelled, Kacey Wong: China is slowly heading towards the Age of New Nazism.

Oct/30/2018 典藏 Artouch


Oct/11/2020 The StarHong Kong’s Umbrella Movement protest art does disappearing act

Oct/11/2020 The Star

Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement protest art does disappearing act

Sept/28/2018 民視

田寮河「漂流議會」 香港藝術家推崇鄭南榕

Sept/15/2018 Cobo Social

Kacey Wong – Detect, Don’t Detach

August/12/2018 SCMPHong Kong village art festival to celebrate rural way of life and foster tourism ends with a banb

Aug/12/2018 SCMP

Hong Kong village art festival to celebrate rural way of life and foster tourism ends with a banb

June/14/2018 Art Exchange


June/8/2018 立場新聞

英大學辦傘運藝術展覽 校內中國學聯抗議:傷害中港澳台學生感情

June/7/2018 Stand News

觀孫中山史蹟徑上的新藝術品 嘆今天香港不可能再有孫中山先生矣

June/5/2018 自由時報


June/5/2018 立場新聞

回應撤「八九六十四」雕塑 康文署:不符展覽主題,違策展原意

June/4/2018 Stand News

指康文署藝術展覽自我審查 藝術家撤「八九六十四」雕塑

May/23/2018 Apple Daily40 Organisations signed jointed decoration to oppose the National Anthem Law

May/23/2018 Apple Daily


May/4/2018 Ming Pao裝置藝術領遊史蹟徑 看看孫中山去哪兒

May/4/2018 Ming Pao

裝置藝術領遊史蹟徑 看看孫中山去哪兒

April/26/2018HK Information Services DepartmentDr. Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail Opens


HK Information Services Department

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Historical Trail Opens

April/26/2018 Headline Daily革命先烈曾孫媳尢曾家麗:史蹟徑串連楊衢雲和尢列極具意義

April/26/2018 Headline Daily




April/26/2018 Zolima Magazine


March/12/2018 Ming Pao入村收集村民回憶創作13藝術家觀川龍前世今生

March/12/2018 Ming Pao



March/162018 U Magazine

March/15/2018 RTHK 寰聽世界

March/15/2018 RTHK 寰聽世界

Feb/25/2018 The ArtlingPublic Displays of Art:Hong Kong's First Sculpture Park

Feb/25/2018 The Artling

Public Displays of Art:

Hong Kong's First Sculpture Park

Jan/1/2018 Apple Daily

【元旦遊行】缺口打開 林榮基嘆煮到埋身:最後一步是泛民總辭

Jan/1/2017 眾新聞 CitizenNews2018守護香港的10個理由

Jan/1/2018 眾新聞 CitizenNews


Oct/5/2017 Apple Daily


Sept/14/2017 COBOKacey Wong - Detect, Don't Detach

Sept/14/2017 COBO

Kacey Wong - Detect, Don't Detach

Aug/22/2017 CNBCThousands protest in Hong Kong over jailing of democracy activists

Aug/22/2017 CNBC

Thousands protest in Hong Kong over jailing of democracy activists

Aug/17/2017 LiberationHong Kong: Art in the sights of Beijing

Aug/17/2017 Liberation

Hong Kong: Art in the sights of Beijing

Aug/15/2017 立場新聞Artist: War should not be conducted in only one way, and don't believe your way is the only way

Aug/15/2017 立場新聞

Artist: War should not be conducted in only one way, and don't believe your way is the only way

July/12/2017 The Works, RTHK

July/12/2017 The Works, RTHK

July/2/2017 Ming PaoGovernment use Chinese constitution to answer July 1st protest for the first time

July/2/2017 Ming Pao

Government use Chinese constitution to answer July 1st protest for the first time

June/30/2017 CNNHow Hong Kong's artists reflect on the city's relationship with China

June/30/2017 CNN

How Hong Kong's artists reflect on the city's relationship with China

June/22/2017 SCMPBrushes With AuthorityHow has art fared in Hong Kong under China’s rule? The scene is thriving, but some artists see – or fear – censorship

June/22/2017 SCMP

Brushes With Authority

How has art fared in Hong Kong under China’s rule? The scene is thriving, but some artists see – or fear – censorship

June/19/2017 Apple Daily

恐懼漸變現實 港人自由倒退藝術展

June/15/2017 Stand News

【回歸廿年】碧波押辦文偽展 重溫「語言偽術」 揭露政權謊程式

April/18/2017 The StandardPerformers aim to put fading village culture in limelight

April/18/2017 The Standard

Performers aim to put fading village culture in limelight

March/30/2017 New York TimesAs Hong Kong Ponders Its Future Under Beijing, Politics Infuses Its Art

March/30/2017 New York Times

As Hong Kong Ponders Its Future Under Beijing, Politics Infuses Its Art

Feb/21/2017 立場新聞

表達自由下的 Carnival 表達自由

Feb/20/2017 Apple Daily

Carnival Exhibition supporting the Amnesty International fund raising event, Apple Daily

Feb/19/2017 Apple Daily

恐懼漸變現實 港人自由倒退藝術展

Feb/17/2017 Stand News

ICC倒數機策展人再辦人權藝術展 藝術家黃宇軒開幕禮到場示威

Jan/26/2017 HK Academy Kacey Wong Interview

Jan/11/2016 Ming Pao6000 protesters in support of the missing

Jan/11/2017 Ming Pao

6000 protesters in support of the missing

12/10/2016 HK01



Dec/9/2016 HK01

Nothing that is not art, an artist who walked the street

Nov/1/2016 Ming Pao

6000 protesters marchesd in support of the missing booksellers

Oct/31/2016 HKFP

Oct/31/2016 HKFP

Oct/31/2016 HKFP 

Artist Kacey Wong combines individual initiative with political sympathies

Oct/19/2016 FriezeStop the Clocks - Two years on, Hong Kong’s mass pro-democracy demonstrations continue to reverberate

Oct/19/2016 Frieze

Stop the Clocks - Two years on, Hong Kong’s mass pro-democracy demonstrations continue to reverberate


Hong Kong - A City Does Not Sleep

ARD Mediathek, SWR, Germany 

Aug/2016 U Magazine

Squint meowers cure people's heart

July/1/2016 Apple Daily

【7.1備忘】毋忘垃圾 六四蠟燭杯變藝術品

July/1/2016 Stand News

【七一即時 ‧ 不斷更新】林榮基感威脅缺席遊行 維園起步時人群疏落

June/23/2016 Sing Tao DailyM+ Rover - Driving art around town

June/23/2016 Sing Tao Daily

M+ Rover - Driving art around town

June/18/2016 明報周刊

Feb/11/2015 Apple Daily



May/30/2016 Wing Leung Tsui

紀錄香港 民間美食車之一 雞蛋吧 | Eggette Bar Local Food Truck by Kacey Wong

April/25/2016 Quartz

CY Leung is one of Hong Kong’s homegrown treasures, and we should embrace him

March/17/2016 M+ Rover!

March/17/2016 M+ Rover!

Feb/25/2016 E WeeklyEggette Bar

Feb/25/2016 E Weekly

Eggette Bar

Feb/1/2016 Hong Kong Economic Journal

Citizen gourmet truck cost only 100 thousand dollars

Feb/1/2016 SCMP

Designer trucks give government food for thought

Jan/22/2016 U Magazine

Dwelling in Wandering Space, resisting city space

Jan/11/2016 Financial Times

HK protest over missing booksellers

Jan/11/2016 Apple Daily

6000 protesters in search of the missing

Oct/1/2015 SCMPHong Kong artist Kacey Wong offers Europe a creative solution to its refugee crisis

Oct/1/2015 SCMP

Hong Kong artist Kacey Wong offers Europe a creative solution to its refugee crisis

Sept/28/2015 Time'Throw Me in Jail for the Best Reasons': Artistic Defiance in Hong Kong After the Umbrella Revolution

Sept/28/2015 Time

'Throw Me in Jail for the Best Reasons': Artistic Defiance in Hong Kong After the Umbrella Revolution

Aug/28/2015 Ming Pao

Borrowing popular cultural capital to subvert popular music industry

Aug/21/2015 蘋果日報

面對封殺阻撓開騷 阿詩:走到呢步唔容易

Aug/2015 Courier Journal

After The Umbrella Revolution

July/23/2015 Apple Daily

【城市點滴】香港核突建築減產 藝術館大翻新

June/15/2015 Stand News

你發完夢未呀 潛行藝術家的夢空間

June/2/2015 Apple Daily


May/15/2015 Altermordernist

April/2015 Youth Space

When Art Become Reality

立場新聞 March/26/2015 抵抗荒誕 畫廊中黃國才的示威藝術

March/26/2015 立場新聞

抵抗荒誕 畫廊中黃國才的示威藝術


March/15/2015 Rachel Marsden's Words


March/5/2015 Artnet NewsKacey Wong’s Protest Art Goes on View in Hong Kong in the Wake of the Umbrella Movement

March/5/2015 Artnet News

Kacey Wong’s Protest Art Goes on View in Hong Kong in the Wake of the Umbrella Movement

March/2015 Art Plus

Kacey Wong - Defending Hong Kong home

Feb/18/2015 European AlternativesHong Kong’s Visual Politics – A City Observation or Global “Agitprop”?

Feb/18/2015 European Alternatives

Hong Kong’s Visual Politics – A City Observation or Global “Agitprop”?

Feb/11/2015 Apple Daily


Feb/5/2015 Inmedia 獨立媒體


Jan/15/2015 The Huffington PostThe Artist is Absent: Ai Weiwei @Large on Alcatraz

Jan/15/2015 The Huffington Post

The Artist is Absent: Ai Weiwei @Large on Alcatraz

Jan/15/2015 Stand News

藝發局工作室租期短 藝術家憂社群難建立

Oct/28/2014 ImportantcoolDesigning The Revolution: Occupy Central With Visual Artist Kacey Wong

Oct/28/2014 Importantcool

Designing The Revolution: Occupy Central With Visual Artist Kacey Wong

Oct/1/2014 Apple Daily


Sept/29/2014 SCMP, Post MagazineMy life: Kacey Wong Kwok-choi

Sept/29/2014 SCMP, Post Magazine

My life: Kacey Wong Kwok-choi

Sept/29/2014How the humble umbrella became a HK protest symbol


How the humble umbrella became a HK protest symbol

July/11/2014 Next Magazine


July/10/2014 Next Magazine

Borke the rule, for whom?

May/15/2014 Art Discover Channel

HKADC 採訪藝術鬍鬚組 Art Mustache Team @ HK Art Quiz


Space Invaders塗鴉修復

Feb/3/2014 The WanderlisterDESIGN NOTES: HK’s East Kowloon By Design, What To See

Feb/3/2014 The Wanderlister

DESIGN NOTES: HK’s East Kowloon By Design, What To See

Jan/22/2014 HKET 香港經濟日報

黃國才 觀照我道

Nov/18/2013 Apple Daily

隔牆有耳: 港藝術家 在碌架床上夢遊 - 李八方

Oct/3/2013 HK Contemporary Art Award

June/17/2013 人民綱



May/28/2013 Apple Daily



May/28/2013 Apple Daily


May/28/2013 Apple Daily



May/5/2013 Arts-News 藝頻


May/8/2013 EcozineKacey Wong Interview

May/8/2013 Ecozine

Kacey Wong Interview

March/14/2013 藝:托邦


Dec/25/2012 文滙報


Nov/30/2012 West Kowloon Cultural District

黃國才 x 西九自由野Freespace Fest-世界裡的唯一自由是你選擇去想甚麼

July/28/2012 Apple Daily

捍衞真理 - 洗衣機頭盔諷洗腦教育

July/19/2012 Art Discovery Channel

This is an interview with Mr. Kacey Wong about the collaboration of HKADC and M+ on the Hong Kong exhibition in the 55th Venice Biennale in 2013.

June/29/2012 VOA

香港藝術家團體 擬71遊行

June/9/2012 designboomGrass covered juice bar by kacey wong

June/9/2012 designboom

Grass covered juice bar by kacey wong

May/9/2012 Time OutKacey Wong interview

May/9/2012 Time Out

Kacey Wong interview

Nov/4/2011 Offshore「家」「都市」をテーマに創作活動を続けるKacey Wongの作品と、彼が起こした艾未未へのプロジェクトについて。

Nov/4/2011 Offshore

「家」「都市」をテーマに創作活動を続けるKacey Wongの作品と、彼が起こした艾未未へのプロジェクトについて。

May/26/2011 Apple Daily


May/18/2011 Art RadarHong Kong artist activist Kacey Wong on Ai Weiwei arrest – interview

May/18/2011 Art Radar

Hong Kong artist activist Kacey Wong on Ai Weiwei arrest – interview

May/4/2011 nprHong Kong Graffiti Challenges Chinese Artist's Arrest

May/4/2011 npr

Hong Kong Graffiti Challenges Chinese Artist's Arrest

March/3/2011 蘋果日報

文化給力:吳彥祖怕女人扯晒蝦 拍賣Air

Feb/25/2011 Dezeen

Doomsday by Kacey Wong

April/28/2010 Best Artist Award 2009

Feb/5/2010 Dezeen

Famiglia Grande by Kacey Wong

Jan/26/2010 Dezeen

Paddling Home by Kacey Wong

Jan/21/2010 Apple Daily

TwoMenShow 展場:海

Dec/17/2009 Designboom

kacey wong: paddling home

Aug/25/2009 Dienstag

Subvision Off-Kunst im Containerpark

July/30/2009 大公報


July/6/2009 101 藝訊


June/7/2009 蘋果日報

實用的裝置藝術 - 張灼祥(拔萃男書院校長)

March/16/2009 Dezeen

Tin Man No. 11 by Kacey Wong

March/2/2009 大公報


March/1/2009 Apple Daily

流動露宿者之家 成為國際展品

April/16/2008 Apple Daily


Jan/10/2008 Apple Daily

超罕建築雙年展 - 雙城記